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Nancy Pelosi Addresses a Reinvigorated DNC She Made Possible

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and “godmother” of the Democratic party delivered a short speech at the DNC on Wednesday, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz as the leaders who will “take us to new heights” and reminding Americans of the January 6th Capitol riot and Donald Trump’s role in stirring it up.
Pelosi began by celebrating the achievements of President Joe Biden’s administration, describing it as “one of the most successful presidencies of modern times.” She credited Biden’s “patriotic vision of a fair America” and led a “Thank you, Joe” chant — the first time such a chant has rung out since Monday’s program, when Biden himself was the main event.
Pelosi focused her remarks mostly on the past, particularly the January 6, 2021 events at the Capitol, which she called a “perilous moment” in American history. She called it the first time a sitting U.S. president had “assaulted democracy,” directly referencing Trump without mentioning his name.
“Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January 6. He did,” Pelosi said. She then pivoted to highlight the pivotal role the House, under her control, played in certifying the election results despite immense pressure from Trump and others.
“Let us not forget who saved democracy that day. We did,” she added.
Pelosi emphasized the importance of free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power—principles she argued are currently under threat. The veteran Democrat stressed the necessity of electing leaders who respect these democratic norms, specifically endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz as the leaders who will “take us to new heights” and continue the work of safeguarding democracy.
“We stand together, reject autocracy, and choose democracy,” Pelosi declared, urging the audience to support the Democratic Party’s efforts to secure majorities in both the House and Senate.
While Pelosi has not explicitly taken credit for encouraging President Biden to end his reelection bid—a decision that reshaped the campaign and revitalized Democratic hopes—much of the convention’s renewed energy can be attributed to her behind-the-scenes efforts.
“The convention is, of course, different from what was envisioned a month ago, and it’s one that is going to be enthusiastically attended,” Pelosi said during an interview from her home in San Francisco over the weekend.
Pelosi has consistently downplayed her role as the mastermind behind Biden’s decision to step aside insisting it was ultimately his own choice. However, when pressed, the 84-year-old former Speaker acknowledged that she needed to do what was necessary to prevent Trump from returning to the White House.
“I have to do what I have to do,” Pelosi said on Monday during an interview on CNN. “He made the decision for the country. My concern wasn’t about the president; it was about his campaign.”
According to her allies, the strategy was vintage Pelosi: guiding the party toward what she believed was the necessary decision while allowing Biden to make the final call himself — or, at least, feel like he did.
Reports soon emerged describing how Pelosi methodically gathered polling data and evaluated the risks of Biden remaining in the race, concluding that the party’s control of Congress was in jeopardy if the president continued his campaign.
“She had a lot of conversations with donors that matter,” Adrian Hemond, a Democratic strategist in California, told the Associated Press.
“Pelosi was already a towering figure as the most effective Speaker we’ve had,” wrote Democratic strategist Dante Atkins on X. “Now, she’s a legend for standing up to her own party’s White House.”
Whether she intends to take credit or not, the past few weeks have turned into a late-career victory lap for Pelosi. Many lawmakers who were reluctant to campaign with Biden this fall are now enthusiastic supporters of Harris. And if there was any bitterness among the rank-and-file of the party’s delegates, it was not on display as she took to the podium on Wednesday to cheers.
Biden insists the decision to leave the race was his alone, but is said to be resentful about Pelosi’s involvement. Behind closed doors, he was “irritated” with long-time allies who pressured him to step aside, and he was particularly upset with Pelosi.
The two still haven’t spoken since he dropped out on July 21.
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